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Join hands with us today and be one of the founding members in the International Development outreach Projects.

Help change people’s lives, and turn their suffering into their strength!

How much does IDP membership cost? 

Joining is free! 

What support do you need from members? 

  • You can support by having some info in your Yoga centre to raise awareness about the outreach projects.

  • You can invite us to your yoga centre where we can give a talk and presentation about the outreach projects. 

  • Stock some of the Chakra Project work in your Yoga centre on exclusively IDP Membership prices. 

Out come of your support

Your support will play a crucial role in helping us to sustain this project and to continue to raise awareness and deliver practical trainings, education, and create working opportunities for the women in the conflict zone of Kashmir. 


Your support will contribute to make this world better and fairer place to live and help change peoples lives, so they can be part of the solution and help their communities to accelerate grass-root action for regenerative solutions that have real value and worth to people, local communities and the planet.

Membership benefits & in return to your support: -

1. Your business name will be listed in our founding members list

    for international development outreach projects.

2. Your business name will be featured with The Green Hope

    Foundation promotion in the ‘charity/great causes’ Register.

3. We will also add a link, and your logo, in our websites to

    highlight that your business is one of the founding members

    and supporting International development outreach projects.

4. Help you to generate income for your Yoga centre by offering

    all the Chakra Project designs on reduced prices

    exclusively for IDP founding Members.  

5. Your Yoga teachers and other staff who wish to have working

    experience abroad will have an opportunity to work and teach

    as volunteers and be guest teachers in North India, where we

    will provide them a platform to teach and directly get involved

    with communities, their accommodation, food and the vehicle

    transportation will be provided with no cost to the volunteers.

Join us today and together we raise the vibration and change peoples lives in a way that have real value and worth to people, local communities and the planet.

To Join we simply need these few details from you!

1. Your Business Name and logo

2. Name of the main contact person in your business

3. Your business email for any correspondence 

That's it! 

please email these details to amber at: 

and we will let you know once you are added as IDP Founding member and will email you your unique membership number. 

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Copyright © 2009-2025 by Amina and The School of Healing Arts. All Rights Reserved. No part of Chakra Chain stitch design may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, under the terms of the copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd. 

© 2009- 2025 Chakra Healing Project  All Rights Reserved.

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